Chongqing: A Magical Cyberpunk Future City


Chongqing, a fascinating city where modernity intertwines with tradition. From spectacular landscapes to unique Sichuan-Chongqing cuisine, and from ancient relics to modern cityscapes. 

Introduction to Chongqing

Chongqing, also known as the Mountain City, is characterized by its significant elevation differences and is located at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers. This city is not only a major economic center in Southwest China but also an ideal place for visitors to explore the culture of Sichuan and Chongqing. Chongqing’s scenery, composed of mountains, rivers, and urban skylines, forms an unforgettable visual feast. At night, the city transforms into a real-life cyberpunk scene with its dazzling lights.

As a rapidly developing modern metropolis, Chongqing boasts towering commercial districts and vibrant nightlife. Its food culture, especially the spicy Chongqing hotpot and various authentic snacks, is immensely popular among tourists and locals alike.

Whether immersing yourself in the leisurely pace of traditional alleys or experiencing the modern pulse of the city, Chongqing offers a diverse and unique travel experience.

Highlights of Chongqing

Chongqing’s tourist spots are a rich blend of natural beauty and cultural history. The Yangtze River Three Gorges, a jewel among them, offers spectacular natural scenery on cruise tours. In the city center, the Jiefangbei CBD is famous for its bustling shopping and entertainment facilities, while nearby Hongya Cave is known for its quaint, cliff-hanging architecture. Historical sites like Qianfo Temple and Bai Mansion are also not to be missed.

Chongqing is renowned for its spicy flavors, with Chongqing hotpot representing the local culinary culture. The hot and numbing broth, combined with a variety of fresh ingredients, is unforgettable. Beyond hotpot, there are many authentic snacks such as Chongqing noodles, sour and spicy noodles, and skewers, each with its unique flavor.

Chongqing offers a diverse array of cultural experiences. At the Three Gorges Museum, visitors can delve deep into the history and culture of the Yangtze River Gorges. In Ciqikou Ancient Town, one can experience the traditional street life of Chongqing, where quaint streets and busy shops create a unique charm. Night cruising on the Yangtze River is another not-to-be-missed experience, showcasing Chongqing’s enchanting beauty under the night sky.

For those seeking off-the-beaten-path experiences, locations like the One Tree Viewing Deck on South Mountain offer an excellent spot to view the entire city. Meanwhile, Gele Mountain Town provides a quiet retreat with its serene atmosphere and unique historical background.

There are also many “photo-worthy spots” that are perfect for capturing stunning pictures, which you can discover through social media.

If you wish to explore deeper, we are always ready to tailor the perfect Chongqing travel itinerary for you.Create my Trip.

Chongqing 1-Day Tour Options
Option 1: City Exploration

Morning: Visit Jiefangbei CBD to experience the modernization and bustling life of Chongqing.
Noon: Enjoy a local lunch with Chongqing noodles or other authentic dishes.
Afternoon: Explore Hongya Cave, a historic cultural area hanging on the cliff.
Evening: Take a Yangtze River night cruise to admire the Chongqing night view.

Option 2: Nature and History

Morning: Head to Gele Mountain Town, visit anti-war sites and beautiful natural scenery.
Noon: Try Chongqing hotpot at a local restaurant.
Afternoon: Visit the Three Gorges Museum to learn about the history and culture of the Yangtze River Gorges.
Evening: Enjoy a panoramic city view from One Tree Viewing Deck on South Mountain.

Chongqing 3-Day Tour Options
Option 1: Cultural Immersion

Morning: Jiefangbei CBD.
Afternoon: Hongya Cave.
Evening: Yangtze River night cruise.
Morning: Ciqikou Ancient Town.
Afternoon: Visit Bai Mansion.
Evening: Experience the local night market.
Morning: Tour Gele Mountain Town.
Afternoon: Three Gorges Museum.
Evening: One Tree Viewing Deck on South Mountain.

Option 2: Nature and Leisure

Morning: Visit the Three Gorges Museum.
Afternoon: Explore the Yangtze River Cableway.
Evening: Try various local snacks.
All day: Take a cruise to tour the Yangtze River Three Gorges and enjoy the magnificent natural scenery.
Evening: Dinner on the cruise.
Morning: Shop in Jiefangbei CBD.
Afternoon: Cultural experience in Hongya Cave.
Evening: End the trip at One Tree Viewing Deck on South Mountain.


Q1: When is the best time to visit Chongqing?
A1: Spring and autumn are the best seasons to visit Chongqing. The weather during these seasons is moderate, neither too hot nor too cold, making it perfect for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

Q2: What is the traffic situation in Chongqing, and do you have any travel recommendations?
A2: Chongqing has an extensive public transportation system, including subways, buses, and light rails. It’s recommended for tourists to use these public transportations, especially the subway and light rail, for convenience and economy. For longer distances, consider taking a taxi or renting a car.

Q3: What are some must-try local foods in Chongqing?
A3: In addition to the famous Chongqing hotpot, try local dishes like Chongqing noodles, sour and spicy noodles, skewers, dumplings, and spicy chicken. Each of these is a classic Chongqing delicacy with a unique flavor.

Q4: Any shopping recommendations in Chongqing?
A4: The Jiefangbei CBD is a great place for shopping, with numerous malls, boutiques, and local specialty stores. Also, the handicrafts and local products in Ciqikou Ancient Town are worth purchasing.


Mr. Li from Beijing:
“The urban scenery of Chongqing is impressive, especially the illuminations along the Yangtze River at night, which are incredibly charming. I especially enjoyed strolling around Hongya Cave, where the architecture is unique, and the snacks are abundant. Chongqing hotpot is a must-try, but remember to have tissues ready – it’s really spicy!”

Miss Su from Shanghai:
“In my few days in Chongqing, I developed a strong interest in the city’s culture and history. The Three Gorges Museum gave me a deep understanding of the region’s historical background, and Ciqikou Ancient Town allowed me to experience the traditional lifestyle of Chongqing. I also recommend visiting the One Tree Viewing Deck on South Mountain for a panoramic view of the city.”

Ms. Zhang from Guangzhou:
“The topography of Chongqing is really unique, with many hills and slopes, which I find to be part of the city’s charm. The metro system is very convenient, especially the parts that go through tunnels and over rivers, like an urban adventure. Also, the night markets in Chongqing are fun, with various snacks and street performances.”

Mr. Chen from Hong Kong:
“As someone who loves photography, I found Chongqing to be an excellent place for cityscape photography. The combination of modern architecture and traditional alleys creates a unique visual effect. Plus, the people are very friendly and willing to help me find the best spots for photography.”

訪問を計画している場合 3つの自然の橋, Wulong xiannushan, or Impression Wulong live performance, Chongqing serves as an excellent gateway. We are always ready to tailor a perfect private journey for you.

すべてのVISA関連のクエリは、 中国旅行ガイド(2024年1月23日更新)

簡単な概要については、 中国の144時間ビザ免除政策

または 中国への旅行を計画する  あなたを助けられる

Explore More About Chongqing



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中国 144時間ビザなしトランジット

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ビザに関するすべての質問は、中国旅行ガイド(2024年1月23日更新)でカバーされています。概要については、中国の144時間ビザ免除政策をご覧ください。中国の10年ビザが復活⏎中国大使館 2023年6月22日現在、パンデミックにより一時的に機能しなくなった10年間のマルチエントリービザに対する米国駐在の中国外交公館による補償手配について:2020年3月28日以前に二国間協定に基づいて発行され、パンデミックにより2020年3月28日から2023年3月14日まで入国機能が失われたマルチエントリーのマルチエントリービザを所持している米国市民は、補償を申請できます。2020年3月28日以降に新しいマルチエントリーのマルチエントリービザまたは国内居住許可を受け取った人は、補償を受けることはできません。 […]


はじめに 中国でドローンを操縦して空撮を行う外国人にとって、安全で合法的な飛行を確保するには、同国の規制に従うことが不可欠です。このガイドでは、ドローンを登録して必要な許可を取得するための手順を段階的に説明します。 ステップ 1: 連絡先の詳細と個人情報 ドローンを登録する前に、次の個人情報を収集してください。 氏名: パスポートに記載されているとおりに。 パスポート番号: パスポートが滞在期間中有効であることを確認してください。 携帯電話番号: 中国滞在中に連絡できる番号。 メールアドレス: 通信および文書化用の有効なメールアカウント。 使用目的: ドローンを中国国内で使用するかどうかを指定します […]


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